4th INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON RECENTTRENDS IN ENGINEERINGAND TECHNOLOGY (ICRTET-2025).    The Institute Grievance Redressal Committee is providing all the support for redressal of the grievance.     Your grievance, if any please submit         The institute internal complaint committee provides all the support to make the campus safe & peaceful. if any complaints please submit

IT Infrastructure

The institute is having adequate number of Computer systems with latest configuration. The college is having a strong OFC backbone from BSNL through 36 Mbps Internet Leased Line connection. Institute provides 24 X 7 secured Wi-Fi facility to all the faculties and students over the entire campus covered by 36 Wi-Fi Access points. College's custom Email facility is also provided to all the faculty and staff members. The email address of the user is @hsit.ac.in. A separate Computer Centre is made available to students exclusively for Internet browsing purpose. The centre is equipped with more than 45 Computer systems and latest network devices as follows,

  1. CISCO 2800 Router
  2. Fortigate-310B Firewall
  3. Aruba-650 Wireless Access Controller
  4. CISCO 3560 Core Switch
  5. CISCO 2960 Core Switches
  6. Aruba 93 & 105 Access points
  7. IBM Servers, etc

Total number of Computer Systems 424
Internet bandwidth (leased line) 104 Mbps
Number of Access points 36
Number of System Softwares 10
Number of Application Softwares 21
Class Room Recording Facility

Student Achievements