4th INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON RECENTTRENDS IN ENGINEERINGAND TECHNOLOGY (ICRTET-2025).    The Institute Grievance Redressal Committee is providing all the support for redressal of the grievance.     Your grievance, if any please submit         The institute internal complaint committee provides all the support to make the campus safe & peaceful. if any complaints please submit

Best Practices of the Institution

Best Practices - 1

Title: “Techno-vision”, A State level project and paper presentation competition.

  1. Recognize innovative idea of students
  2. To expose students with Engineering Staff and Students about career
  3. To build confidence towards higher studies

The Context:

Innovations are playing a vital role to resolve societal and industrial problems. Hence identifying relevant ideas and solutions through the project exhibition is necessary. As per NEP-2020, we need to increase the higher education Gross Enrollment Ratio (GER) to 50% by the year 2035. This event will provide platform to identify the best ideas and projects of national importance and also increase the admissions to the institute through lateral entry.

The Practice:

The “Techno-vision” is organized every year by inviting Polytechnic students across Karnataka, Maharashtra, and Goa states. The whole process of competition is transparent as the judges are from respective organizations to assess the projects and declare the results. The winners of various events are awarded cash prizes and certificates of merit. This will boost their confidence and inspire them to pursue higher education

Evidence of Success:

During 2018-19, 18 Polytechnics and 480 students across the state have participated and prizes of more than Rs. 50,000 was distributed. The event is successful to ignite the Diploma students to opt higher education.

During 2019-20, 10 Polytechnics and around 250 students across the state have participated and prizes more than Rs.50,000 was distributed. The event is successful to ignite the Diploma students to opt higher education.

During 2020-21, 9 PUC/12th Science College and around 84 students across the state have Participated and prizes of more than Rs.26,500 was distributed. The event is succussful to ignite the PUC/12th Science students to opt higher education.

During 2021-22, 8 Polytechnics and around 130 students across the state participated and prizes of more than Rs.50,000 were distributed. The event is successful to ignite the Diploma students to opt higher education.

During 2022-23, 12 Polytechnics and around 127 students across the state participated and prizes of more than Rs.50,000 were distributed. The event is successful to ignite the Diploma students to opt higher education.

Problems encountered and The resources required:

The major problem encountered was academic overlap of degree and diploma exam schedule and it has been resolved by organizing event at least one month in advance to the Diploma Board Exams.

Manpower, Boarding and Transportation, Accommodation, ICT classrooms/campus and Well-equipped labs.

Best Practices - 2

Title: Book Bank Facility.

  1. Enhancing Access to Educational Resources.
  2. Reducing financial Burden on students.
  3. Supporting Academic Success Encouraging Responsible Resource Management.
  4. To various ways of awareness of the Bank Facility among the students.
  5. To user satisfaction about book bank facility.
  6. To find out the usefulness of books provided to the students under the Book Bank Facility.

The Context:

The Book Bank facility for ‘Every Student’ is one of the important facilities rendered by the institute from its inception. More than 70% of the students admitted to our institute are from SC, ST and OBC categories with poor economical background. In this digital era inculcating the habit of reading and understanding through text and reference books is very important. The availability of all books of all subjects with the student for whole semester till completion of exams, will helps students to score in the internal tests and semester end exams. This facility reduces the financial burden on students by offering text books at no cost. This facility is extended to all students regardless of socio economic status there by promoting equity and inclusion among students. Further it also fosters a culture of sharing and collaborates among students by encouraging them to donate text book which they no longer need to book bank.

The Practice:

The Book Bank facility is a unique feature of the institute wherein meritorious and economically backward students are provided textbooks from the library.

The students are required to fill in the forms and a Library committee is authorized to sanction the facility for the deserving and needy students. If the required number of books available to fulfill the number of applicants, then all benefit.

Evidence of Success:

In the 2018-19 Academic-year under Book Bank facility 5145 books, other than the library books (35692) are distributed.

In the 2019-20 Academic-year under Book Bank facility 4323 books, other than the library books (37734) are distributed.

In the 2020-21 Academic-year under Book Bank facility 2622 books, other than the library books (38027) are distributed.

In the 2021-22 Academic-year under Book Bank facility 4838 books, other than the library books (38539) are distributed in 1:6 ratio.

In the 2022-23 Academic-year under Book Bank facility 5338 books, other than the library books (39271) are distributed with no limit.

Problems encountered and The resources required:

The difficulties found were due to incomplete information of books such as author, title combinations; also, about an inadequacy of place to write the known details.

Best Practices - 3

Title: Soft loan through Employees Cooperative Credit Society.

  1. To provide financial assistance in the form of loan at lower interest rate to needy employees of institution
  2. To reduce financial stress among employees during emergency needs

The Context:

To fulfill the economical requirement/emergency fund for employees, the said society is necessary. The welfare and quick helping of needy employees is very important in emergency situations. The available government and non government banking system have tedious procedures and required more time and documents to sanction any type of loans and also they require security.

The Practice:

The “Employees Cooperative Credit Society” has been established in the year 2007 with 132 members by paying Rs.10 as a membership fee as per the Govt. Society Act. Every member will deposit a specified amount from their monthly salary. Based on the request and need of the applicants, the loan will be sanctioned immediately, easily, without much hustles. The dividend will be shared among all members every year.

Evidence of Success:

In the 2018-19 financial year about 15 needy employees with loan amount of Rs.33,17,000/- are benefited from this practice.

In the 2019-20 financial year about 22 needy employees with loan amount of Rs. 37,20,000/- are benefited from this practice.

In the 2020-21 financial year about 60 needy employees with loan amount of Rs. 65,90,491/- are benefited from this practice.

In the 2021-22 financial year about 58 needy employees with loan amount of Rs. 61,21,872/- are benefited from this practice.

In the 2022-23 financial year about 61 needy employees with loan amount of Rs.62,78,781 /- are benefited from this practice.

Problems encountered and and Resources required:

The problem of every month amount requirement of needy employees will be resolved based on humanity and compassion. The resources required: One exclusive accountant, Computer System, Stationery and Space..
