IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, since 1963, is the world's largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE inspires a global community to innovate a better tomorrow through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. It is designed to serve professionals involved in all aspects of the electrical, electronics, and computing fields and related areas of science and technology that underlie modern civilization.
IEEE HIT Student Branch established in our college during the year 2005 and was active Branch. But due to some unavoidable reasons it was not active for some years. Later, As per the guidelines of the esteemed management of the Institute, the rejuvenation process started in HIT , by the concerned faculty Prof. S S Kamate, ECE Dept. and Prof. M P Yanagimath, EEE Dept. during the year 2014. The membership process started with the conduction of IEEE awareness program by IEEE GIT, team. We started the branch with 34(2 professional and 32 student) IEEE members for the year 2015. The formal rejuvenation happened on 17th April, 2015, with lighting of the lamp by the dignitaries, Mr. Ravikiran Annaswamy the chairman, IEEE Bangalore section, Dr. S. H. Jangamshetti, subsection coordinator, Bangalore section and Mr. Mallikarjun joint secretary, IEEE Bangalore section. Since then, with the support of institutional head and the management, IEEE HIT Student Branch doing well and it is also one of the active Student Branch in North Karnataka region, Bangalore section.
The aim of IEEE student branch is, to provide a global platform to inspire, develop, encourage and support our students as the future leaders of engineering profession. IEEE HIT SB is organizing various technical and social events to foster the technical innovation and for the benefit of mankind.
The IEEE Xplore® digital library provides access to IEEE journals, transactions, letters, magazines and conference proceedings, IET journals and conference proceedings, IEEE Standards and IEEE educational courses.
IEEE offers a variety of scholarships, grants, and fellowships for IEEE Student members in various areas such as Outstanding Chapter Award, Lance Stafford Larson Student Scholarship, Upsilon Pi Epsilon Student Award for Academic Excellence.
IEEE ResumeLab is an online service that allows IEEE members to develop a resume using a wide array of resume templates. Members can also perform mock interviews using over 900 potential interview questions or develop letters, portfolios, and skills assessments to use during the interview process. is an award winning, internet based television network, made possible by the members of IEEE. produces and delivers special-interest programming about technology and engineering for the benefit of IEEE's members and the general public.
Sl. No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Shivaprasad Hiremath | Chairman |
2. | Prema Chougala | Vice Chairman |
3. | Ashwini Patil | Secretary |
4. | Manisha Dhabade | Joint Secretary |
5. | Sandeep Goudadi | Treasurer |
6. | Kedari J Khot | SAC coordinator |
7. | Madhuri Gangadhar | Joint SAC Coordinator |
8. | Pradeep Gorawade | Web Designer |
9. | Priyanka Ganagi | WIE Chair |
10. | Akash Bhurase | Publicity Lead |
11. | Pratibha Patil | Co Publicity Lead |
12. | Mamata Navi | Event Lead |
IEEE HIT Student Branch conducted Quiz on 27th September, 2017. It was organized to analyze and develop the competency in technical/nontechnical aspects among our college students. This was conducted in four rounds.
The first round was a written test of 25 Questions 30minutes duration, covering the questions on technical, general and recent affairs conducted on 27th September 2017, at 3.00pm around 82 teams from various departments have registered and participated in it. The evaluation happened with consideration of tie breaker questions and best 8 teams were shortlisted. The selected teams were informed to appear for the next rounds. The second round was of having the questions on entertainment, Technology, politics, sports, geography, space. Each team was asked with two questions from each the category. Wherein, if any of the teams fail to answer within the stipulated time, the same questions were passed to the next teams with 50% reduction in full marks. The top five teams were selected after this team.The third round included Abbreviation and identification- of CEO’s and company name. All the teams have tried well and top three were disclosed. They winners were awarded with certificate and cash prize on IEEE DAY- 3rd October 2017. The event was completely organized by IEEE staff and student team of HIT a successful event taught lots of managerial skills also..
IEEE HIT SB organized Pick and speech competition on 25th September 2017, to improve the communication skills. The event was organized to provide the platform to our students to share their ideas and develop the competency among.. The most recent and happening topics were selected and publicized by the IEEE team. Students were asked to prepare all the 12 topics and one chit they have to pick from the bowl. The student has to talk about the topic he/she picked for 5 minutes. Fifteen students have participated in it.
The event was very successful and everyone enjoyed the ideas and thoughts of the participants. The experts were invited to evaluate the talks. The winners were announced and the event ended with feedback speech and vote of thanks by the Branch counselor.
Two Days Workshop on “MATLAB applications in Electrical Engg.” was conducted by IEEE HIT Student branch in association with of E&E Engg. department for the final year students of E &E Engg. MATLAB is used worldwide to analyse and design systems and products. It is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems. MATLAB is used in a wide spectrum of applications which include automobile active safety systems, interplanetary spacecraft, health monitoring devices, smart power grids, and LTE cellular networks. It is also used for many academic research areas such as machine learning, signal processing, image processing, computer vision, communications, computational finance, control design and robotics. The Programme was inaugurated by Prof. B.R Umarane, HOD, EEE department followed by a Welcome Speech by the Coordinator of the programme Prof. M.P.Yanagimath.
Prof. V.R.Sheelavant Dept. of EEE, SDMCET Dharwad was invited as resource person for the workshop who explained how MATLAB has become an integral and accepted part of academics and how the software is increasing its importance day by day.The 2 day workshop from 22nd to 23rd September, 2017 comprised demonstration and explanation of various options and techniques offered by MATLAB. The workshop included the most comprehensive selection of methods and techniques for the participants to solve complex problems. During the hands on session the participants used MATLAB in the Computer Centre and experienced how it is optimized for solving engineering and scientific problems.
The workshop concluded with a Valedictory Session where Prof. S.B.Patil, EESSA Coordinator shared their experience during the workshop and thanked the Speaker for his efforts. They also explained how such a course is useful for faculty as well as research scholars. A vote of thanks was proposed by Prof. M.P.Yanagimath, staff Advisor, IEEE HIT Student branch and he thanked the speaker, the participants and the organizing team of the Computer Centre.IEEE HIT Student Branch organized a motivational Seminar on "How to crack UPSC & KPSC Exams" for final year Students of all the branches on 11/09/2017 at 2.00PM in Mechanical seminar hall by Mr. Praveen Jain, KAS Officer, Govt. of Karnataka, Alumnus ECE Dept, 2007 pass out. Mr. Praveen Jain deliberated on different parameters of this prestigious examination of the country. Also shared his experiences of preparation days and stressed on qualitative approach in this examination. Addressing the aspirants on this occasion, he said that there was no substitute to hard work. He urged the students to prepare for the civil services examination by planning to approach the different subjects intensively and exhaustively. While motivating the students, he stressed that students should focus on writing the answers with flavoring the contemporary approach. He also deliberated on subject combination and preparation for General Studies.
Earlier, Dr. S.C.Kamte, Principal of the institute, said that it is not very difficult to qualify the civil services examination as the number of serious students writing the examination was low. He said that it was better that the students from professional streams took the civil services examination, as they had a special approach towards studying what was useful for the civil services examination.
IEEE-HIT STUDENT BRANCH in association with IEEE BANGLORE SECTION is proud to announce that HIT-QUEST 2017 i.e. our 9th National level Technical Contest was successfully conducted on 21st April 2017 . It is an annual event of IEEE-HIT which started with the inaugural function was followed by the auspicious Lamp lighting ceremony.
It included welcoming of the gathering , introduction of the chief guest , the overview of the HIT-QUEST 2017 was given by chief convener. The number of competents were selected were announced in advance and the events being conducted throughout were been intimated. The coordinators of the events took up the agenda and beautifully put forward all the events with great responsibility. The events conducted were as follows:
A :Technical paper presentation - Under all the four branches We had126 papers submitted by various colleges among 72 papers were selected and been presented. The event checked the student’s presentation and interests in research in a unique manner. The results and the references were strictly kept in mind.
B :Poster presentation on Smart India Theme: Around 36 students participated and were given 5minutes to present the theme
C : Trouble Shooting: Around 29 groups were finding the problems in Electrical circuits.
D:Technical Quiz : We had 55 teams for technical quiz conducted in four rounds First round was written test with general technical questions and later three technical rounds including rapid fire questions
E : Circuit Debugging/Program debugging : Circuit debugging and program debugging were conducted differently for circuit oriented and program oriented students
F: Robo Race and Rob path finder : Robo race and Robo path finder events were organized and more than 100 students took part in these events.
G:FLIP-LA : A logic building and realization event conducted for ECE and EEE and CSE students Many of the students from nearby colleges have participated and won theAt the end of all the events feedback of the students were taken. The response was very positive and we are glad that they liked and got to learn lot of things from the events been organized. At the end the formal valedictory was organized and the prizes were distributed to the winners. All the events received an overwhelming response and turned out to be a grand success adding colors to IEEE-HIT.
HIT, Nidasoshi, in association with IEEE Bangalore section and Computer Society of India has organized workshop on “Programming Skills”. Resource person for the workshop were Mr. Rama G Srinivas, Technology Consultant from Richman and Freeland, Hyderabad. The workshop was organized for Computer Science and Engineering students. Around 150 students have participated in the event. The session was started at 11.30 AM on 1st April 2017 and went up till 5.00 PM on 2nd April 2017.
On day 1, Programming structure and methodology, Data types, variables, operators, expressions, statements, blocks, Logic building with simple math and logical problems, Algorithms, flowcharts, Working with Arrays, Searching, sorting techniques, Working with Linked lists, Single, double, circular, Working with Stacks, Queues, priority Queues. Working with trees, Binary trees, Binary Search trees, Heap, Tree Traversals, Tree sorts(BST sort, Heap sort), Working with Post-Training Case Studies-Procedure Oriented programming, C-Language essentials topics were covered.
On day 2, Introduction to Advanced Data Structures, ADTs and Class Concepts, Objects, Object-Oriented Concepts-Abstraction- The Core Concept, Encapsulation, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Relationships (Dependency, Has-a, Is- a), Overloading, Overriding, Interfaces, Other OO concepts. UML Essentials, Working with Post-Training Case Studies, Object-Oriented Programming, C++/Java Language essentials were covered. The workshop was successful in enhancing the knowledge of the participants and hence the objective of the workshop was achieved after listening to the feedback during the feedback session after the presentation.
HIT, Nidasoshi, in association with IEEE Bangalore section organized technical seminar on “Wireless Sensor Network and Internet of Things”. Resource person for the workshop were Mr. Vishnu Prasad K Y, Software Developer from Northern Soft Solutions, Bangalore. The workshop was organized for Computer Science and Engineering students. Around 150 students have participated in the event. The session was started at 11.30 AM on 10th March 2017. In first session he has covered wireless sensor network and IOT basics and after tea break in second session he covered practical implementation of WSN and IOT.
The seminar was successful in enhancing the knowledge of the participants and hence the objective of the seminar was achieved after listening to the feedback during the feedback session after the presentation.
IEEE HIT, organized National Science Day on 27th February 2017 at 3.00pm. As the theme of the day was Technology for physically disabled people so we kept poster presentation and essay writing competition on the theme “ Technology for physically disabled people. Around 15 groups from various branches have participated and presented their ideas related to the theme. The essay competition was also held after that and 25 students have participated in that event. The time duration to write the essay was 40minutes. Results were announced after the evaluation. The event was very successful in conveying the theme of the National Science Day to all.
IEEE HIT staff and student team has collected the clothes from the college staff and students and distributed them successfully to the ORPHANAGE (Asare Anathashram) at Sankeshwar and the Slum area's near to Kamatnur and Sankeshwar along with the Deepawali sweets on 07/11/2016. We had interaction with the ORPHANAGE children and supervisor. This effort was appreciated by Management, Principal and society.
Hirasugar Institute of Technolgy, Nidasoshi with the kind support of IEEE Bangalore Section jointly organized the International Conference on Recent Innovations in Engineering on 8th and 9th October 2016. The Conference was aimed to bring together researchers and practitioners from both academia as well as Industry to meet and share the cutting edge developments in the field of Engineering. The conference also included plenary sessions and Invited talks from the eminent academician/Industry Personnel.
We feel happy to inform that, it is the International Conference held first time in this zone; received a very good response. We have received a good number of conference papers on the theme of conference and 145 papers were shortlisted for presentation at the Conference. We received papers from Maharashtra, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Telangana, Goa and Germany. Well known academicians from the neighboring colleges were invited as session chairs. Mr. Uttkarsh Ankhalkhope, Project leader, TWI UK Ltd Sheffield, U.K and member of the Advisory board was present on both the days of the Conference. He also gave a technical talk on “Advance Material Processing”. Mr. Kapil Hukkeri, proud aluminus of the institute gave a presentation on “ Supercritical Technology in Indian Power Sectors”.
The inaugural function of the International Conference was held under the Benign presence of His Holiness Param Poojya Sriman Niranjan Jagadguru Pancham Shri Shivalingeshwar Mahaswamijii ,Sidda Sansthan Math,Nidasoshi. Dr N.H.Deshpande, Lead Advisor,Jynanapeeth Academy,Pune was invited as the Chief guest for the inaugural function .Mr Uttakarsh Ankhalkhope, member, advisory board was the guest of honor. Our beloved Principal Dr S.R.Mahajan, gave a welcome speech and took this occasion to express his gratitude to the Management and sponsors. Dr. S.A.Alur, Convener, ICRIE-2016, gave the introduction about ICRIE-2016. Dr N.H.Deshpande, spoke on the occasion. The function was concluded with Vote of Thanks by Prof. S S Kamate, IEEE Branch counselor HIT SB.
The inaugural was followed by Key note address, after which the presentations were started in the respective streams as per the predefined conference schedule on 8th and 9th October 16. We had very good presentation as well as discussion sections, the questions/suggestions by the session chairs would definitely help the researchers and practitioners for the further process.
HIT Nidasoshi, in association with IEEE Bangalore section organized workshop on “Advances in computer and wireless networks”. Resource person for the workshop was Dr. Mahantesh N Birje, Professor and HOD MCA, PG Centre VTU Belagavi. The workshop was organized for Computer Science Engineering students. Around 100 students from various colleges have participated in the event. Sir, covered the networks topic in a very systematic way starting from the history of networks, with live examples to make the attentive with the flow.
The session started at 11.30AM and went up till 1.30PM. After lunch break, after reassembling the session was continued from 2.30PM and went up till 4.30PM. The workshop was successful in enhancing the knowledge of the participants and hence the objective of the workshop achieved after listening to the feedback and appreciation.
HIT, Nidasoshi in association with IEEE Bangalore section organized workshop on “Embedded System Design Using Field Progammable Gate Arrays”. Resource person for the workshop was Dr. Tanuja T C, Professor PG Centre VTU Belagavi. The workshop was organized for Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering Branch students. Around 250 students from various colleges have participated in the event including 60 from SGBIT Belagavi. Madam explained the process of Embedded System in a systematic manner with live examples to make the students comfortable with the flow.
The session started at 11.30AM and went up till 1.45PM. After lunch break, we had another session on “ Recent Trends in machine learning related to control System and embedded system” by Dr. Uday V Wali, Prof. ECE Dept. MSS KLECET, Belagavi.
The session was from 2.30PM and went up till 4.30PM. The workshop was successful in enhancing the knowledge of the participants and hence the objective of the workshop was achieved after listening to the feedback after the presentations.
HIT, Nidasoshi, in association with IEEE Bangalore section organized workshop on “Nano Science and Nano Composites”. Resource person for the workshop were Dr. A M Hunasyal and Dr. N R Baapurmath, from BVB CET HUBLI. The workshop was organized for Mechanical Engineering students. Around 150 students from various colleges have participated in the event. The first session was by Dr. N R Baapurmath. Sir, explained the Nano science starting from introduction, the flow went in a very disciplined fashion.
The session was started at 11.30AM and went up till 1.30PM. After lunch break, we had another session on the same topic by Dr. A M Hunasyal. The session was from 2.30PM and went up till 4.30PM. The workshop was successful in enhancing the knowledge of the participants and hence the objective of the workshop was achieved after listening to the feedback during the feedback session after the presentation.
IEEE-HIT student branch has organized IEEE Day on 6th October and conducted formal and informal events on the eve of IEEE day i.e.on 6th October. The event was graced by the presence of the Principal, Brach counselor, HODs of all the Departments, Placement officer, Brach counselor, Prof. S S Kamate , staff advisor, Prof,Mahesh yangimath, and staff coordinator Prof. M G Huddar and entire IEEE team of HIT Nidasoshi.
The celebration began with welcome speech by Miss. Nootan Kankanwadi, Mr. Ramesh Walki gave brief history about IEEE Day celebration. Branch counselor addressed the gathering on this auspicious occasion to share the importance of having an IEEE student branch followed by cake cutting ..after which the winners of IEEE events were awarded with cash prizes and certificates. Finally, vote of thanks was given by Mr. Sanjay Gudasi
After the formal function we had group discussion event. Which made the 'IEEE-DAY celebration' more fascinating.
IEEE HIT Student Branch conducted Quiz on 28th and 29th September, 2016. It was organized to analyze and develop the competency nature in technical as well as nontechnical aspects among our college students. The was conducted in four rounds.
The first round was a written test of 25 Questions 30minutes duration, covering the questions on technical, general and recent affairs conducted on 28th September 16. Around 170 teams from various departments have registered and participated in it. The evaluation happened with consideration of tie breaker questions and best 11 teams were shortlisted.
The selected teams were informed well in advance to appear for the next rounds to be organized on 28th September, 16. The second round began with rapid fire question and the top 8 teams were selected among 11teams.
The third round was of having the questions on entertainment, Technology, politics, sports, geography, space. Each team was asked with two questions from each the category. Wherein, if any of the teams fail to answer within the stipulated time, the same questions were passed to the next teams with 50% reduction in full marks. The top five teams were selected after this team.
The fourth round included Abbreviation and identification- of CEO and company name. All the teams have tried well and top three were disclosed. They winners were awarded with certificate and cash prize on IEEE DAY- 6th October 2016. The event was completely organized by IEEE staff and student team of HIT a successful event taught lots of managerial skills also.
IEEE HIT SB organized Technovision - A National level Project Exhibition for the Diploma Students,on 30th March 2016. A platform for Students to showcase their technical talents with an explosion of creative innovations. Over 300 students from various diploma colleges, partaining to various branches have participated in this competition.
The Event started with the inaugural function at 9.30 am. The projects of all the four streams ECE, EEE, CSE and Mechanical were exhibited, evaluated by an expert committee in respective departments with external jurry members. The total number of projects exhibited were 73. The Top three projects were awarded with cash prizes in all the four steams in the validictory function held at 6pm on the same day.The event was a huge success in leading to lots of new things and ideas in the technical era.
An expert lecture was organized by IEEE HIT Student branch on the topic “MSP430 Microcontrollers” on 11th May 2016 to second year students of E&E and E&C Enginnering.
The lecture was delivered by Prof. Roopa Kulkarni, Assistant Professor, Department of E&C Engg. Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi. Starting from introduction to programming, complete information about new advancements in MSP430 Microcontroller were discussed in the session.
Technical talk was organised on 22 April 2016 named Bigdata and hapoop for pre-final year and final students of computer science department by resource person Mr.Veershetty Dagade Director R&D at Scalebyte Pvt Ltd
Veershetty sir has completed his graduation and post graduation in Gogte Institute of technology, Belagavi in 2014.Sir has done his diploma in Vasantrao Potdar Institute, Belagavi.After engineering sir started working as IT trainer and software project developer in Media Technologies, Belgavi. He served as a lecturer at KLE’s BCA college and at JAIN college of engineering. Sir is certified trainee in Bigdata and Hadoop.Sir has presented papers titled “STOCK DATA ANALYSIS USING HADOOP TECHNOLOGY”, “WEATHER DATA ANALYSIS USING HADOOP TECHNOLOGY”, “NO SQL DATABASE A SURVEY”, in International Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering Science(ICETES) and these were published in IJETCSE journal held at JCE Belagavi.
IEEE-HIT STUDENT BRANCH in association with IEEE BANGALORE SECTION is proud to announce that HIT-QUEST 2015 i.e. our 8th National level technical contest was successfully conducted on 10th October 2015. It is an annual event of IEEE-HIT which started with the inaugural function followed by the auspicious Lamp lighting ceremony.
It included welcoming of the gathering , introduction of the chief guest , the overview of the HIT-QUEST 2015 was given by chief convener, Prof..S.B.PATIL, Head of EEE Dept, Hirasugar Institute of Technology, Nidasoshi, the number of competent been selected were announced in advance and the events being conducted throughout were been intimated.
IEEE-HIT successfully organized a highly beneficial sessions for the final year Electronics and Communication Engineering. and Electrical and Electronics Engineering students. The first session was seminar on “Embedded systems and its application in the industry” Mr. Vishwanath Sulake, advanced senior software engineer working at Delphi Automotive Pvt. Ltd. Bangaluru.
The topics been covered were very new to the students the happenings in embedded industries, it cleared a lot of misconceptions building in the students mind. Also tried making us understand how the engineering subjects help us to deal with real-time problems.
We had formal events such as
1. Pick and speak - In this event, student had to pick a chit and talk about it, the topics were about the current affairs. Basically, a setup for students to get acquainted with currents and controversial issues around the world.
2. Group Discussion- There were two rounds , in the first round participants, the participants were divided into group of two. and they had to put forth their ideas in team. The best teams were selected . In the second round they had to play individually. The person with out of box thinking was been rewarded.
And the informal events were as follows:
1. Best selfie/Groupie
2. Live angry birds
The winner were awarded. 'IEEE-day' was celebrated with great joy and all the events were organized in a pleasant manner. The IEEE-DAY celebration and the events been organized proved to be a solid hit in all the events been conducted under 'IEEE-HIT student branch'.
IEEE students of members Miss. Kavya Shetty, Miss. Pooja Rajmane , Miss.Shipa Hanamaraddi , Miss. Nishigandha Pawar,Miss. Priyanka Ninganure of HIT, Nidasoshi were given an opportunity to visit ISRO,Bangalore in association with IEEE Bangalore section.
IEEE HIT is pleased to inform that the inaugural function of IEEE STUDENT BRANCH was successfully conducted. The inaugural function included lamp lightening, introduction of IEEE BRANCH HIT, overview of IEEE by the Branch councilor. Addressing by Chief guest,Mr.Ravikiran Annaswamy, Chairman, IEEE Bangalore section and Guest of honor, Dr.Suresh Jangamashetti, Subsection coordinator, Bangalore section and also included talk by volunteer, Mr.Mallikarjun Chaukimath, Joint secretary, Bangalore section and feedback by the students under the student branch.
Our audience target was 150 students and it included 40 faculty members. Talk by Dr.Suresh Jangamashetti, he gave an overview about IEEE and appreciated the entire team for making this happen and also asked the staff faculty and students to come more in number and be a part of IEEE family. It was then continued by a presentation given by Mr.Ravikiran Annaswamy letting the audience know more about IEEE and benefits of being a part of it. He also highlighted the people associated with this. An inspirational video about the success of IEEE was also shown.Presidential remarks by Dr.N.C.Hiremath .And lastly, Mr.Mallikarjun Chaukimath, gave his experiences being a part of IEEE and the entire journey of his association with IEEE which truly lit the minds of people. Quires of audiences were also been cleared.